From booking to caring for your fresh new tattoo we have compiled a few tips to make it easy.

Before we can get started with matching the appropriate artist for your piece, we need to get an idea of what you are wanting.
A brief discription of your concept.
A one word theme/style. (ie: Traditional, Black/Grey, New School, Oriental, Tribal.)
A pointform list of elements you would like to include.
1-3 reference images of ideas that you’d like to expand on.
And a clear photo of the area on your body you’re wanting to be tattooed.
We receive a lot of emails and we are extremely grateful for this.
So if we don’t get back to you right away, please be patient with us.
Appointment Preparations
Before your tattoo appointment we have a few tips on what to do to prepare yourself for your session. Please print and fill out each of the forms below and return them to your artist to ensure a speedy booking process.
Stay hydrated leading up to your tattoo session. While it’s generally advisable to stay hydrated at all times to maintain proper bodily function and good health, it’s especially important when you are getting a tattoo.
Lotion your skin once or twice a day for the week leading up to your tattoo session. Keeping your skin hydrated is one of the most critical measures to take because it makes it easier on you and the tattoo artist.
Get a good night’s sleep before your tattoo session. Head to bed early and don’t consume any alcohol or drugs the night before. You’ll want to be well rested before getting a piece of permanent body art.
Make sure to eat a healthy, balanced meal before heading to your tattoo session. It’s not uncommon for people to pass out from fatigue in the tattoo chair. Although it may seem as though your body just lays idle while you’re getting a tattoo, it actually exerts a great deal of energy during the tattoo process. Besides, when you are hungry, pain management becomes more difficult, making the tattoo process more unpleasant for everyone.
By following these few steps we can guarantee a smooth and efficient tattoo session.

Getting a tattoo involves not just the Artist and his work, but also the client’s cooperation.
we gathered insights from a number of tattoo artists so you are completely aware of what you are getting yourself into. With knowing proper tattoo etiquette and how to behave, we guarantee you will walk away with total understanding, satisfaction, and also a good relationship with your tattoo artist.
Here is a short recap to make sure you are ready!
A design you want and the artist is comfortable in doing.
Well nourished and rested for your session.
Good relation and confidence in your artist.
And mentally prepared for what you are about to endure.
Health Assessment filled out and returned to artist.
Parlour Tattoo Consent Form filled out and returned to artist
If anything is not up to par or you have any signs of sickness please do not feel ashamed in rescheduling.
We want you to be 100% ready to go.
*deposits will not be terminated due to rescheduling because of sickness*
Proper Etiquette
Here are a few do’s and don’ts to ensure both you and the artist have a smooth and comfortable tattoo session.
Customer Coronavirus Checklist
Due to COVID-19 we have implemented a few new requirements of our clients on your tattoo appointment day. Above is a quick check list to look over to make sure everything is good and you are ready to go.
Masks are required by both artist and clients, you may bring your own or if you do not have one you can purchase one from the shop for $2.
If you wish to wear gloves during your appt. please dispose of them in the garbage before you enter the shop and put on a new pair after you have washed and sanitized your hands inside the studio.
Message or call your artist when you arrive and they will meet you outside of the shop to collect any paper work and take your temperature before entering the shop.
PLEASE COME ALONE, we will not allow anyone else in the studio during your tattoo session.
If you are feeling ill or sick in anyway please do not come to the shop, get in contact by messaging your artist or call the shop immedietly so we can rebook your appointment.
We thank you for your cooperation during this time.
This should be self-explanatory. Clean yourself up, making sure to wash the area where you are getting tattooed. The placement area should be clean and undamaged. Make sure you smell good, to keep your tattoo artist from being distracted.
For the best tattoo experience, get enough sleep and eat hearty before the tattoo appointment. Your body needs rest & rejuvenation for maximum pain tolerance.
please abstain from alcohol at least 48 hrs before the tattoo appointment (alcohol thins the blood, making you bleed more than you should)
Wear clothes that allow easy access to the area where you want to get the tattoo. Think loose, comfortable clothes. You don’t have to dress up, really. ’cause you won’t be going anywhere and there is a possibility you may get some ink on them.
It is very annoying to tattoo a loud & drunk person. For another, it’s hard to tattoo when you’re too drunk or too high to keep still. So please, be in your best condition. We take this job seriously, and any good tattooer will refuse to tattoo a person who’s not in good condition for tattooing.
Some tattoo sessions can take many grueling hours, most people grow bored & tired of waiting. They’ll stand up, walk around, check you out, and sit back again. It could be quite distracting for the tattoo artist to play host.
Having kids running around the shop not only will distract the tattoo artist, but it also subjects them to potentially encountering the tattoo shop’s bio-hazardous wastes, or the artists expensive equipment.Getting a tattoo while telling off your toddler to chill out every 10 minutes is just unnecessary stress for both you and the artist. So get tattooed wisely and leave the kids safe at home.
If it hurts, take some deep, meditative breathing. Clear your mind & think Mind over Matter. Pain is just there and it won’t kill you. Think strong thoughts. You’ll earn that beautiful tattoo soon.
If the artist is not talking, it doesn’t mean they are being rude, but simply just concentrating. Tattooing, as in carefully inserting pigments to the correct area of the skin, requires much concentration. So if you want the best work, let your artist focus.
A really good tattoo isn’t cheap! Artists risk their health for tattooing every day, and as if back pains, head and hand-aches aren’t enough…they also rack their brains trying to understand how to design your tattoo. If there should be any discounts made, it should be the artist’s call do not try and haggle their worth.
Tipping your artist makes them feel appreciated and establishes a good relationship for the next tattoo projects to come. Tip them as you would a waiter or driver for his good service.
Etiquette is just basic common sense of good social behavior and knowledge about the tattooing process establishes a good bond with your chosen tattoo artist.

Your artist has done all the right things to prevent infection and keep the area clean up until this point, and now it’s up to you to continue proper care.
3 different styles of aftercare.
Saniderm or SecondSkin adhesive bandage
Wet healing
Dry Healing
Every artist has their own preferred aftercare procedure so choose the
one that fits your lifestyle.
Aftercare Procedure
You have your new tattoo and its looks amazing, now let’s keep it that way! Improper care can result in your tattoo becoming an inked disaster and to help we have a downloadable link to our Parlour Tattoo Studio aftercare sheet below.
Parlour Tattoo Aftercare Sheet
Adhesive Heal
Adhesive bandages such as Saniderm or SecondSkin are probably the most reliable and least maintained aftercare methods to date, not to mention the amazing results clients have seen afterwards. With minimal to no effort required from the client these tend to be the new go to in tattoo aftercare.
1) Your artistwill wash the area and shortly after apply an adhesive bandage.
2) After 24 hours, you should remove the bandage, preferably in the shower, and wash your tattoo with antibacterial soft soap.
3) Let air dry for about 10 min. and make sure the area is completly dry.
4) Your artist should have provided you a second bandage. Place this bandage making sure all areas of the wound are covered.
5) Keep the second bandage on for 3-7 days. No need to remove this bandage before hand.
6) After 6 or 7 days from your tattoo session you should be able to take the bandage off. Again we suggest doing this in the shower to loosin the adhesive and prevent any unwanted tearing of the skin or tattoo.
At this point you can see that your tattoo is practically fully healed and no other special care is needed. You may find the area to be dry, kind of like a sunburn, this can be remedied with frequant lotioning of the skin. Voala !
This is probably the most frequantly practiced procedure recommended from artists. Instead of an adhesive bandage it requires a bit more hands on technique, so make sure to wash your hands every time brfore you touch your new tattoo.
1) After your session the artist will apply a layer of patrolium jelly and wrap the area with cellophane or meat pack bandage.
2) Leave this bandage on for up to 4 hours.
3) After 4 hours remove the bandage and wash all plasma, dry blood and any remenants of patroleum jelly off the tattoo area. Make sure to do this with freshly washed hands to ensure no transfer of unwanted dirt or bacteria.
4) Air dry for 10-20 min.
5) Addd a thin layer of unscented lotion or recommended tattoo aftercare your artist has suggested.
6) Repeat procedures 3-5 atleast two times a day, usually when you wake up and before you go to bed.
Continue this process until tattoo is fully healed. Usually takes 7-14 days, and you may notice a bit of scab build up. You can prevent scabbing by using hotter water but make sure not to burn yourself.
If you find the tattoo feels overly dry or itchy you may apply a thin layer of lotion to help but make sure to wash the tattoo before hand. This will ensure all dirt and bacteria is being removed before applying a new layer of aftercare lotion.
This is probably the least practiced method of aftercare but some artists and clients do prefer it. It is the more natural way of healing a tattoo and is based off the premis of an open wound such as a scrape or cut.
1) After your session your artist will wash the area and apply a thin layer of patroleum jelly.
2) After a few hours, wash the remenants of any plasma,dry blood and patroleum off the tattoo area.
3) Let it air dry.
no other ‘special’ instructions, simply just leave it alone and let your body do its natural thing to heal itself. Occasionally washing it with anti bacterial soft soap during your daily showers.
This technique does have a longer heal time of up to 4 weeks but it really depends on your body and how fast you heal naturally. Scabbing is also more prone to occur and you should keep mindful of any splitting during the heal time.
Overall effect of this healing usually leaves the ink looking faded and some times cracky where scabs may have split or torn off.